75k !
We made it !
My blog just hit 75k hits with a daily average of 100 visis. This is amazing. When I started in March 2018, I wasn't too sure about the directions and the life time of this blog on the long term. So far so good I would say ! ;)
I'm very happy of the outcome and the contacts I made during the last 2 years thanks to this blog. I hope you still like it and the knowledge share it give to the community.
I have some stats to share with you, just for fun!
First, the top 5 countries visiting this place :

The "Unknown Region is a bit scary ;)
Next, what is actually making the audience, here are the top 5 visited articles :

It looks like people understood that IE is a browser for you !
Lastly, what OS are you using to reach me :

Do not hesitate to reach out in the comment section if you have any enquiry, let's continue to make this blog useful for others !
I'm planning to explore more the infrastructure as code and continue to share tech tips !
Let's Talk About Tech Administrator
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