
Showing posts from January, 2021

Docker : Rubrik Central - Docker Edition!

Background After publishing my post about Rubrik Central  months ago, I have received comments saying that it is too difficult to deploy and has too many pre-requisites. I thought about automating the deployment process in many ways and found that containers could be a nice option. But I didn't know anything about Docker. So, I did some research and I think I came across with something definitely usable !

Google Maps : Get Driving Distance through API

Background I have a home automation system at home (you know that from the Yamaha  article ) and I would like to know the travel time while having breakfast. Always good to plan ahead for any hiccup on the road. Easy to get this info on Google map, but you need a browser and a few clicks, I would like something automated !

Yamaha : Remotely Controlled Amplifiers

Background Yes, Yamaha, I know this is not an usual topic on this blog, but don't worry, we will still code a little ;) Modern amplifiers and home cinema's are now connected. Some with wifi, some with ethernet. It would be nice to have the ability to control them. Mine is a RX-V673, too old to have WiFi but I have an Ethernet port. There is a smartphone app as well. If there is connectivity and an app, for sure we can hack it !

Nutanix : Managing Categories through API (Part 2)

Background Now that we have seen how to get and apply categories and values to VMs, it is about time to learn how to create categories and values. Indeed, to be able to apply categories to VMs they first need to be created and ready to be used. Nutanix allows us to create whatever categories we have in mind.

Rubrik : Archiving on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Background Your Rubrik platform is getting full and you are low on CAPEX. However, you have plenty of OPEX, then cloud is yours. Setting up archiving in the cloud could be complex process. I'm actually quite new to this area so I will try to explain you how to use it

Rubrik : Configure AD Authentication

Background As an IT guy focusing on security for privileged accounts, you would like to have a single source of authentication to facilitate user access to resources. Rubrik is a sensitive platform since anyone with admin access to that platform can read/steal data from your Enterprise. It would be nice to authenticate any access to that platform using LDAP or AD. Rubrik got you covered !

Nutanix : Managing Categories through API (Part 1)

Background Managing Categories (tags), within a Nutanix environment can be cumbersome, especially if you have big amount of VMs or if you want to automate the process and why not, react on triggers. Hopefully, Nutanix is giving you the power.I just finished couple of functions and added them to my Nutanix Php Framework !